Problem description: I am riding a bicycle and fell down a little bit. How to tell if there is bleeding in the internal organs. I feel a pain in the body on the side of the fall. A little bit of synesthesia in the abdomen will it be internal bleeding? It’s been 10 hours. Do you need to check it?
Question date: 2020-10-02
Patient information: Age: 21 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: Hello, if the amount of internal organ bleeding is large, severe symptoms such as acute abdominal pain and hemorrhagic shock will occur. You have now passed ten hours, and if the pain is just where the epidermis fell, there should be no internal organ bleeding.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended that you go to the hospital for an examination, so you can rest assured. After all, the internal organs are invisible to the naked eye, and all risks must be minimized. Local skin damage, if there is no damage, just bruises, you can spray Yunnan Baiyao spray. If it is damaged, it can be disinfected with complex iodine.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection