Problem description: Hello, my menstruation has been here last month, and there is no relationship. This has not yet come to menstruation. I tried it with early pregnancy paper. It is two lines and one dark color. A talk about sex, what is going on, I thought I was pregnant, I really couldn’t figure it out. I tried the three boxes and they were all the same.
Question date:2020-10-04
Patient information:Age: 24 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, this needs to rule out pregnancy, sometimes you think menstruation is possible It is not menstruation. Threatened miscarriage and menstruation are sometimes very similar. Even specialists are satisfied with the judgment.
Guidelines: It is recommended that you still draw blood for HCG confirmation, because if there is a month left If it’s an early pregnancy, it should be obvious, but it doesn’t make sense if it’s shallow. So you need to draw a blood HCG to identify the true and false. b>