Can kiwifruit be eaten

Kiwifruit is familiar to everyone, with soft texture and great taste. The investigation found that the vitamin C contained in kiwifruit is about ten times that of apples, and that kiwifruit contains dietary fiber, calcium, etc., which are all nutrients required during pregnancy and promote the growth and development of the fetus. But it is worth noting that kiwi is a cold food, so can pregnant women eat kiwi?

Pregnant women can eat kiwi. Because kiwi has to pay attention to the bright eyes of the fetus. Kiwifruit contains antioxidant vitamins. Carotene can improve human immunity and help the development of the eyes of the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women can eat some kiwifruit, but do not overdo any food to avoid discomfort caused by overdose.

In addition, kiwifruit is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which can improve the body’s immunity, increase the body’s absorption of sugar, and help the development of the fetal brain. You can eat more kiwis in the second trimester to have a healthy and beautiful baby.

Although kiwifruit has many benefits for pregnant women, it should be noted that not all pregnant women are suitable for kiwifruit. There are some pregnant women with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold. Kiwifruit is a cold food. Cold foods usually have the effects of reducing fire and detoxification. Therefore, pregnant women with spleen and stomach deficiency and frequent urination are not recommended to eat kiwi to avoid signs of threatened abortion.