The risk of pregnancy in space is much greater than that of the Earth.

Well on weekends, welcome to open the “Monthly One Weekly Conjecture.” Here, you can see the latest technological advances in the world in the past week, as well as inventions that transcend imagination. At the same time, we are also paying close attention to the interesting evolution of the relationship between people and technology in the AI ​​era. Let us glimpse the tip of the iceberg of the future.

The world’s latest technology quick get

  • Japan approves the controversial “human-beast hybrid” study: but it’s a pity The desire to see the mermaid is still not fulfilled.

A week's conjecture of the minority | If human beings are born in space, what will humans look like?

According to “Nature” magazine reported on July 26, the Japanese government recently approved a “human and animal hybrid” embryo research. This research does not mean that we will see real people or mermaids in the future. The ultimate goal is to let these animals grow out of human organs, thus solving the problem of the current shortage of transplanted organs.

Nippon Stem Cell Scientist Nakagawa is the head of this research. He has succeeded in non-human animal hybridization, so this study is not without precedent. Although human-animal embryo experiments are not a fresh concept, for example, a few countries, including the United States, allow this kind of manipulation of introducing human embryos into animal embryos, but prohibiting the birth of embryos, Research will stop before the full term, because it will involve some ethical issues, and Japan will break this restriction this time. Zhong Neiguang said in an interview that he will slowly advance his experiment, and he does not intend to mature any embryos during this period. The first step is to hybridize the mouse embryos.

In the future, will this become a “Pandora Box”? Only time can tell us.

Read more: Plans-to-study-humananimal-hybrids/

  • A real person can be converted into a CGI character in real time:Can I enter the second dimension and fall in love with a favorite character?

A few weeks of conjecture | What will humans look like if born in space?

The new technology of computer graphics company Cubic Motion can convert the results of motion capture into a fully rendered CGI character in real time.

In a showcase to game company executives, a CGI character from Cubic Motion suddenly broke the “fourth wall” – this cut-off animated character after completing the pre-prepared lines Suddenly turning to the camera, I seem to be staring at every business executive who is in the room and starting to talk to them one by one. This is not a pre-programmed trick, but is performed live by an actor in Manchester who is far from the other side of the world. He is being converted into a game character in real time. When the character “dismissed” and began to interact with people in the room, everyone took a sigh of relief. This stunning performance eventually helped Cubic Motion win the contract for the project.

The motion capture that you usually see today is like this: Motion capture actors usually need to record a long time in advance, they are wearing tights and coveredDozens of markers are used to track three-dimensional body movements in time and space, providing a reference for animators. After the recording is complete, the animator begins to connect the points until they get what they want to create.

The scanning technology used by Cubic Motion is different. They developed a mark-free technology for real-time tracking models that can be instantly converted into CGI characters and rendered, running at 60 frames per frame. second. This involves some machine learning algorithms that capture an image of a face and separate the parts of it, digitally marking the different elements so that the system can be done at an unprecedented level of detail. Capture.

In addition to the technology that can be used in games, Cube Motion is also currently working on VR social services.

Read more:https://www.

  • Brain implant technology will repair part of the vision of the blind:You don’t have to use your eyes, you can see the universe again

A few weeks of conjecture | What would humans look like if they were born in space?

Those who are not born blind, their brain visual cortex is usually intact. However, this is not useful because it does not receive any information from the eyes.

Orion is a new device that can directly import images taken by a camera into the brain. This device consists mainly of two parts: a brain implant and a pair of glasses. The implant consists of 60 electrodes.These electrodes receive information through a camera mounted on the glasses that can transmit visual information directly to the wearer’s brain. In this process, the role of the eye has been completely removed.

By stimulating a specific part of the wearer’s brain, a corresponding spot can be produced. In theory, if we have thousands of electrodes in our brain, we can produce rich visual images. It’s like a painting with a “dot color” technique. Thousands of small dots gather together to form a complete image.

Benjamin James Spencer accepted the test. He was blind from the age of 9. This is the first time he has seen an image since then, and he has been moved to a mess. In an interview with The Daily Mail, he said: “Although this is not a perfect visual effect, it is a bit like the surveillance video of the 1980s, but it makes sense.”

This is a complete shift in the way people who treat complete blindness, and it also brings a lot of new hope. Orion, as the name of the device, shines a little starlight in the dark night sky for the blind.

Read more: -camera-directly-brains-blind-people

What cool products will be there tomorrow

  • Blink your eyes, your glasses will zoom:Oh, you don’t have to use a mirror again. ……

A week's conjecture of the minority | If human beings are born in space, what will humans look like?

Twice the eyes twice, you can zoom in; if you double-eye, you can zoom out; if you turn the eye, the lens will follow the rotation. This device, often used by agents in movies, now has it in reality.The prototype of the product.

Recently, the team of Cai Shengqiang, an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), published the study in the journal Material Science Advanced Functional Materials. To be precise, this is actually a soft machine, it can be made into a camera, or equipment like Google Glass, it is still just a primitive model. It breaks through the human eye and is the first time to use the EO signal to control the motion and zoom of the soft lens. Before this, most soft machines were controlled by manual control or using pre-written code. It seems that our distance has become 007, and we can go one step further.

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  • Undead “蟑螂” robot:Inspiration is ugly, but the use is gentle

A week's conjecture of the minority | If human beings are born in space, what will humans look like?

A research team consisting of researchers from Tsinghua University, the University of California at Berkeley, and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, inspired by 蟑螂, created a new type of software robot. It weighs less than 0.1 grams, but can withstand a 60 kilograms of people on it and still work. Just like cockroaches. People may have this experience. If you step on it, you may have to grind it a bit, otherwise you may still survive and escape.

This is not a robot andWith the pressure of the Earth’s gravity, human bones lose their density. Studies have shown that astronauts consume 1% to 2% of bone density per month in space. This means that the delivery will become difficult because the pelvis may fracture during production, which may cause people living in space to rely more and more on caesarean section. The way humans give birth affects the structure of the human body. For example, the size of our head is actually limited by the width of the mother’s birth canal. When the caesarean section is gradually increased, the heads of our offspring may become larger.

We may also change color. In order to withstand the effects of harmful radiation in space, we may develop new skin pigments, such as melanin, to protect our skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Therefore, some people predict that living in space, perhaps humans will turn black over time.

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The above is this week’s “Minority Weekly Intelligence”. Which of the most useful or interesting information do you think this week is? Please leave a message below to tell us 噢~(will return).