Problem description: On the 12th day of ovulation, I have been taking progesterone twice a day without an interval. I started to feel swelling and pain in the lower abdomen yesterday. Today I have pain and bleeding in the lower abdomen. There is bleeding all the time, the color is not dark, and the amount is small, only when wiped. The doctor said that the time is short and it can’t be detected. I took progesterone. Is it menstrual cramps?
Question date: 2020-10-07
Patient information:Age: 24 years old, Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, I am sorry I can’t see your problem, what can I do for help?
Guidelines: b>Be careful not to catch colds, do not eat hot and cold stimulating foods, live regularly, and if you have any questions, you can ask questions at any time.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection