The title picture is from IC photo, and this article is from WeChat official account:Practice it , the original title: “Shanghai coach the highest income, entrepreneurship is no longer a first choice | professional fitness coach survival status report 2020”, author: “same frequency” Chinese entrepreneurs fitness Assembly < /span>

This is a survey conducted by Lianba Institute on the professional status of in-service fitness coaches for four consecutive years. We believe that continuous analysis of the life, work, and psychological status of frontline fitness coaches will help us to have a deeper understanding of the current level of development of the entire fitness industry.

1. Compilation method

This survey received the participation of nearly a thousand coaches from across the country, mainly private training, so this report also mainly reflects the work level of private training.

From the perspective of age, the post-90s accounted for 70%, and the post-80s accounted for 17.8%. There are a small number of post-00s and post-70s, the oldest is 46 years old and the youngest is 17 years old.

From a gender perspective, the ratio of men to women participating in the survey is about 8:2, and female coaches are still a rare species in this industry.

The average working life of fitness coaches is 4.4 years, of which, in the longest 22 years, 70% of coaches have become a monk.

Among the fitness coaches participating in the survey, more than 80% have a college degree or above. This data is slightly higher than the industry average, which also means that the average education level of the coaches who are concerned about training bars is higher.

Integrating all the data, we get the average data of 2020 fitness coaches as follows:

The average basic salary is 2321 yuan

The average monthly income is 11,456 yuan, the highest is more than 50,000

Average commission 36%

The average class time is 80 lessons, and the maximum is 280 lessons

The average class fee is 342 yuan, and the maximum is 1200 yuan

The workload of coaches determines the level of operation of the venue and also affects the income level of coaches.

It is said that first-tier cities are under great pressure, but survey data shows that coaches in second- and third-tier cities have a higher average monthly class hours, reaching 98 sessions. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen first-tier cities, it’s 85 sessions, while coaches in fourth- and fifth-tier cities are relatively relaxed. 75 lessons in a month.

But is workload proportional to income? Let’s take a look at the salary of the coaches.

Second, coach salary treatment

Research shows that although the average salary of coaches is over 10,000, there are still more than 40% of coaches whose monthly income is below 8,000. It shows that from a realistic point of view, a coach can earn a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan. This statement is not true. Perhaps it is the gap between this ideal and reality that makes some coaches start to doubt and even resent their job.

But if you compare the average income of other industries horizontally, the coachCompared with the salary levels of classmates and age groups, how to make young coaches treat professional income levels correctly and reduce unreasonable expectations is becoming an urgent problem for the industry.

From the perspective of gender, the income levels of male and female coaches are getting closer, so although female coaches are scarce, their income does not differ much from that of their male counterparts.

From the perspective of the format, the coach income of the fitness club (12299 yuan) is significantly higher than the studio counterparts(10377 yuan), this can also explain why many coaches complain about the serious work pressure of the gym, but they refuse to go to work in the studio.

From a regional perspective, we find that the average income of coaches in first-tier cities is 15,719 yuan, which is 50% higher than their counterparts in second- and third-tier cities. Among them, Shanghai coaches have the highest average monthly salary of 16,660 yuan, and the bottom of coaches in Beijing is 11,421 yuan.

In the overview, we mentioned that more than 80% of the coaches participating in the survey have a bachelor’s degree or above, but in terms of academic level and income, although coaches at all levels of education are likely to get high salaries, the trend In terms of distribution, coaches with high education are more likely to get higher salaries.

As mentioned earlier, post-90s coaches have become the mainstream of industry coaches. Let’s compare the income differences between the age groups.

Post-70s: an average of 60 classes per month, an average class fee of 357 yuan, and an average monthly income of 16,286 yuan;

Post-80s: The average monthly class fee is 329 yuan, the average is 75 lessons per month, and the average monthly income is 13,195 yuan;

Post-90s: average class hours are 322 yuan, an average of 89 lessons per month, and an average monthly income of 11030 yuan.

Among them, the average monthly income of coaches in 1990-95 was 12,199 yuan, the average monthly class hours was 86, and the class fee was 316 yuan; in 1995-99, the class fee was 330 yuan, the average monthly income was 9,134 yuan, and the average monthly class time was 93.

Data shows that post-70s coaches have the highest income, while post-90s coaches, especially post-95s, have a greater workload. Here we also found that the workload of the coach is not directly proportional to the income.

In 2020, the fitness industry has been affected by the epidemic. After the epidemic, 56.6% of coaches said their income had fallen, an average drop of 26%.

Three, coach career planning

What professional skills do fitness coaches want to learn? What career dreams do they have? We also extracted the parts that everyone cares about from the data.

In the minds of coaches, the most important thing for an excellent fitness coach is professionalism, but the proportion of choosing service attitude, eloquence and looks is also very high, which reflects that more and more coaches are beginning to pay attention to the importance of multiple professional qualities , Not only professional in the eyes.

This may be inseparable from the guidance of coaches by many fitness organizations.

When Leke Sports selects coaches, 70% of the assessments are for non-professional abilities. They also introduced a 0 yuan training model-pre-examination of the non-professional qualities, and professional training for qualified candidates. Finally, Leke The platform undertakes employment.

For another example, Jianmeng Private Training Center assigns courses to coaches through the system to guide coaches to pay attention to retention rate. Nakata Fitness prohibits coaches to force orders, promotes customer experience, and evaluates “zero complaints”.

Similarly, in the vocational training favored by coaches, compared with previous years, the training demand for sales billing has been greatly reduced, showing a downward trend for three consecutive years.

Rehabilitation still tops the list, and corporate management, personal image, and youth physical fitness are also the training directions that coaches pay attention to.

This year’s fitness coach’s professional satisfaction is still above the pass line(6.58 points, full 10 points), although it has been baptized by the epidemic , Has an impact on the normal work of many coaches, but professional satisfaction has increased. Does it also reflect that coaches have a more rational understanding of their job expectations?

When we asked the coaching friends what factors would cause dissatisfaction with their careers, 31.6% of coaches chose “income level”. Obviously, labor issues are still a major concern for the coaching community.

But also in 2020, the percentage of coaches who said “no dissatisfaction” reached 28.2%, which is double the previous year.

A major change in the coaching career plan this year is that the proportion of “starting a business and opening a store” has dropped sharply, and the direction of “management” has become the mainstream. In addition, the proportion of coaches who choose to stay on the front line has doubled. .

This may also be because many coaches have begun to think rationally about their future directions after witnessing the fading of the fitness entrepreneurship tide in the past two years.

There is also a significant decline in the career direction, and “being a trainer”, which may also be related to the sharp decline in the income of training institutions in 2020.

According to the research in recent years, the career planning of fitness coaches is not clear and firm, but changes with the ups and downs of the industry, and there is less certainty.

Because of the lack of professional planning ability and deterministic thinking, coaches often do not feel safe and professional anxiety will be greatly enhanced.

However, it is gratifying that many fitness venues have also begun to plan some long-term career paths for coaches.

As for the online fitness content that sprang up last year, many coaches have expressed strong interest, but not many really started to participate. Douyin, with 600 million users, is also the preferred platform for coaches to make content.

Four. Ending

The group quality and work ability of fitness coaches are the cornerstones of the fitness industry. The professional experience of fitness coaches is also a barometer reflecting the current situation of the industry.

In 2020, we asked all coaches surveyed to express their true feelings in one word, and put all the words together to form the picture below.

The deeper the font and the larger the font size, the more words are mentioned.

Persistence, living, gains and losses, accumulation, gratitude… Although the ups and downs of 2020 have been experienced, the coaches are not just complaining, but actively looking forward to a better future.

2021 has already begun. Today, one year later, what changes will our report show? Let’s wait and see!