Old model + new trend (maybe) = success.

Editor’s note: the micro-channel public number “Beluga sea” herein from (ID: baijingapp), of: oct child.

Here is the weekly special topic-“New Products” specially set up by Beluga to seek product “inspiration” for investors and developers.

1. Frog——A social paradise for Z generation girls

Although over time, the Z generation group has gone from a niche group to a target user group for many developers, and it is also a user group that traditional social companies such as Facebook have always wanted to win.

Generation Z refers to people born between 1995 and 2010, that is, people between 11 and 26 years old. Although classified into one age group, it is obvious that 11-year-old users and 26-year-old users have very different preferences and usage habits. The 15-year-old age span is enough to build cultural barriers.

Frog should mainly focus on junior high school and high school students aged 12-18. If you look at the market area, Frog will focus on attacking mature markets such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Australia. When the author registered with the birth date of November 19, 2000, the Frog system notified that the words “you are over-aged” appeared. Although it can still be used in the future, it does hit the author’s fragile mind!

Frog’s product interaction logic is very simple. Users can like videos with different themes, styles and contents taken by other users and add them as friends in one direction. After clicking add, they can send text and hello emoticons to the other users. Increase the opponent’s probability of reply. The author tried to add 3 users, and both agreed. But what’s interesting is that Frog embeds itself without any violation of popular content such as relay, anonymity, parties, and Q&A.

Frog is trying to establish a closer connection between content and social. At present, the application has five first-level menus: best friend list, video feed stream, shooting message, and personal homepage.

In order to promote content production, Frog has set up three sections: Challenge, Vlog, and Games under the feed stream. There are also multiple topics under different sections. Users can click on a specific topic to view all the videos on that topic. Self-photograph the content of the topic.

At present, the topics where users participate more on Frog are #to