Problem description: I have been masturbating for six years. I have been interrupted during this period. Now I don’t have morning erection. Sometimes the morning erection is very small. Sometimes lying with my girlfriend is not too hard, sometimes I feel kidney pain ( Occasionally), but not very good, and I have never been to a room. What is wrong with me
Question date: 2020-10-09
Patient information: b>Age: 20 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: The first consideration of the situation is that it is directly related to bad habits, so we must first avoid this habit.
Guide suggestion: The patient has kidney deficiency. You can go to see a Chinese medicine doctor and take Chinese medicine for conditioning. At the same time, it is recommended that the patient keep exercising every day to improve kidney deficiency.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection