This article is from WeChat official account:Operation Research Institute (ID: U_quan) , author: Li Yan, Wu Jingwen, the original title: “pet tea, Chinese clothing, lo skirt …… contemporary” cats and dogs slave “to play so wild? “, the title picture comes from: Visual China

Recently, when I was online shopping for small snacks for my master at home, I found a magical shop selling some pet supplies that I had never heard of and had never seen before, such as “pet milk tea” and “pet seasoning”:

There are even “pet milk beer”, and the sales and reputation of these things are quite good:

As more and more people raise cats and dogs, the pet industry chain is becoming more and more fancy.

What pet bakery shop(baking for pets), pet wedding and funeral planning, pet hanfu, and even pet insurance, pets Detectives and pet clones are really eye-opening…

The pet industry, “new” to the unexpected

Speaking of “pet industry”, you may only think of conventional industries such as pet shops, pet food, and pet toys.

But what you may not know is that the pet industry has developed many unexpected services…

Pet’s “red and white”

Nowadays, many pet weddings and funerals are similar.

Some owners will also ask a special wedding planning company to do wedding planning for their pets. These pet weddings not only have wedding dresses and wedding rings(some wedding rings are collars):

We also need to rent high-end venues, and then invite professional pet photographers to follow along. The luxury is no less than that of a human wedding:

(Picture source Xiaohongshu)

Like people, we will invite the animal friends of the young couple to the wedding:

(Picture source Xiaohongshu)

Some hosts will invite people to witness the marriage and even prepare a marriage certificate:

In addition to weddings, there are funerals. Although it is a pet’s funeral, the process is not ambiguous at all, and it is also handled by a professional organization:

There are not only professional pet enrollers who clean and decorate pet remains, but also hold a special pet memorial service:

In order to mourn their pets, some owners spend a lot of money and rent luxury hearses to transport the remains.

The pets will even be sent to the temple, and the master will be hired at a high price to hold a super ceremony for the pets.

Some funerals even cost 200,000 yuan:

After pet cremation