Problem description: Hello, there is a genetic inheritance of high blood pressure in my family, but I have always had high blood pressure when I was nervous, usually normal, but I have been in a state of unstable blood pressure recently, and I am also nervous, 10 The blood pressure reached low pressure 108 and high pressure 186 in the evening, and I hurried to the Provincial People’s Hospital for a simple check. The intracranial CT was normal. The doctor asked to take a blood pressure medicine. This afternoon, the blood pressure was normal, but the head was still confused. I am in menopause again, and I want to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination to determine whether the diagnosis is high blood pressure or other reasons. I have a bad mentality and always panic with high blood pressure. Therefore, I want to register for an appointment for examination, thank you doctor.
Question date:2020-10-11
Patient information:Age: 48 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, whether this is high blood pressure, it is mainly based on the usual blood pressure measurement.
Guide suggestion: If the blood pressure is usually high, it is mainly high blood pressure. If it is occasionally high, it will generally have little effect. It is mainly recommended to test the blood lipids, blood sugar and blood rheology, and check to see if it is normal . Pay attention to a light diet, relax and not be too nervous.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection