Problem description: I recently got a urinary tract infection. My mother said it would cause vaginitis. Is this true?
Question date:2020-10-10
Patient information:Age: 49 Gender: Female
Urine tract infection is a disease May cause vaginitis.
The emergence of urinary tract infection is mainly due to bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms entering the human urinary system along the urethral orifice, so bacteria may also enter the vagina and cause vaginitis. If vaginitis is not treated in time, because the vagina and the urethral opening are closely adjacent, it is easy to contaminate the urethra, cause urinary tract infection, and cause frequent urination and urgency. First, use some red core lotion to clean the vulva and vagina, and usually use some medicated soap as a care solution.
Mainly drink plenty of water, urinate frequently, do not hold back urine, and pay attention to keeping the lower body clean and hygienic. Causes the symptoms of frequent urination and urgency. First, use some red core lotion to clean the vulva and vagina, and usually use some medicated soap as a care solution.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection