Problem description: In the past few days, my chest has been painful. Is it caused by pancreatitis?
Question date:2020-10-11
Patient information:Age: 48 Gender: Female
Pancreatitis can cause chest pain.
Pancreatitis can cause chest pain and even pleural effusion. Acute pancreatitis is a very serious disease, and it is also a relatively common disease in clinical practice. It usually occurs in people who overeating, people who have past biliary tract disease, and people who have hyperlipidemia. The typical symptoms are a history of binge eating or biliary disease before the attack, and some patients will experience shock symptoms in a short period of time.
It is recommended that patients with pancreatitis must pay attention to not overeating and eat regularly. At the same time, do not eat spicy, cold, greasy food.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection