Problem description: Every year in the autumn and winter, my chin will turn black and the corners of my mouth will burst. This is especially serious after drinking too much beverages or irregular rest. This situation will continue throughout the autumn and winter. In spring and summer, the situation will get better and even heal, but in autumn and winter it will be repeated. The corners of the mouth will be itchy and skinny, the chin can also be rubbed off, and the chin will become red and painful after rubbing a few times, and it is very sensitive. Looking in the mirror, the color of the chin is obviously darker than the skin color of other parts of the face. It’s not a big problem or it affects the appearance. I am very distressed. I hope the doctor can help analyze the various reasons that cause me to look like this, and how can I cure or alleviate the disease. I have been insisting on taking vitamin C recently, but I don’t know if it will work.
Question date:2020-10-19
Patient information:Age: 231 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: From the medical history and pictures, these are two diseases, namely keratinization of hair follicles and dry skin caused by keratinization of hair follicles. Keratinization of hair follicles, or keratosis around hair, is commonly known as “chicken skin”. It is a genetic disease that has no effect on the body, except that the skin is dry. At present, there is no radical cure for keratosis pilaris in the world. It can only be treated with topical retinoic acid for symptomatic treatment, but the effect is not good, it cannot be cured, and the side effects are large.
Guide and suggestion: It is recommended not to do any treatment, inspection and treatment. At present, it is mainly skin prevention and moisturizing.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination