A very important issue will develop, how can we use energy in a better way in a friendly way, suppress and avoid another aspect. For example, artificial intelligence may be more powerful than humans in the future, but when we develop artificial intelligence, we must set a red line. Once artificial intelligence or robots surpass this red line, when a major crime occurs, we human police should Being able to stop him, technically I think human beings are capable, so this is a very important issue for our future development.

Moderator: Mr. Musk, I know about the development of artificial intelligence, and you have your own opinions. I don’t know how you think about this issue.

Musk: I think artificial intelligence may be the most important challenge facing mankind. There has never been a situation like this before, which means that nothing is smarter than us humans before. Wisdom is a major difference between us humans and other species.

I think to a certain extent, the management and symbiosis of artificial intelligence is very important. For example, our human intelligence and artificial intelligence coexist. We are actually like robots to a certain extent. We have different functions such as the cortex of our own brain.

Musk: AI management and symbiosis are very important | Live screenshot

In fact, to a certain extent, mobile phones are like an extension of human beings, but our humans have limited bandwidth, so the speed of the brain is limited, and overall it is relatively slow. We are definitely different from artificial intelligence. We hope to have a greater effect, which requires higher bandwidth. In other words, the connection between our cerebral cortex and other areas is faster and more efficient, which is very important.

I support the supervision of artificial intelligence. I think in all aspects, as long as it may affect the safety of human beings, for example, the flight of airplanes, or food, medicine, etc. are all regulated. Automobiles, etc., are all regulated. There is a department specifically responsible for the supervision of safety, so it is reasonable to supervise the safety of artificial intelligence.

Moderator: The next one is the issue of competition and cooperation between China and the United States in technology. In fact, as discussed earlier, in the process of contemporary technological development, there has actually been a lot of cooperation between China and the United States over the past few years, but most