Not for screens and chairs.

How to do it:

If you do it regularly, even low-intensity activities, such as walking, can have a significant impact on your energy levels.

The longer you sit on the sofa, the lazier you will become. The more you move, the more energetic you will feel.

This is a very simple but often overlooked rule: Use your energy to create more energy.

We should eat more natural foods instead of packaged cereals, reduce the time spent on mobile phones, laptops or TV sets, and climb stairs instead of elevators. If you are willing to make changes, you will find many ways to escape the “box-life” (box-life). All you have to do is to start.

2. Create a little passion every day

Usually, fatigue is not only related to our physical condition, but also to our mentality.

Think about what would happen if you kept telling yourself that you were tired? Yes, you will really feel tired.

There is no mental button that can instantly boost your energy, but deciding to become more energetic and take control of your state is the first step to feeling more energetic.

If you change your thoughts and beliefs, you will naturally change your behavior.

Our actions reflect our beliefs, and the easiest way to change our beliefs is to create a source of passion and remind us of the reality we want to create.

How to do it:

In the past few years, I have established a variety of small rules and habits to help me maintain my inspiration and energy.

There is an “affirmation reminder” on my phone, which will send me various exciting messages throughout the day. If I wear a smart watch, this message will pop up on my watch, giving me a little motivation.

Another good suggestion is to change your posture and stand up straight each time you enter the door. Once you get used to it, this habit can become an invaluable asset, because your posture can significantly affect how you feel.

You can establish similar small triggers and habits in all aspects of life.

You can turn your screensaver into a positive and energetic picture, do something to make you energized after each meal, take a walk while on the phone, open and close after brushing your teeth, and so on.

This has nothing to do with what you do specifically, it’s more about maintaining an exercise mindset and using your natural sources of energy and passion.

3. Solutions to laziness in the afternoon

Many people experience a drop in energy during lunch time. This is because we eat the wrong food for lunch, and our body needs a lot of energy to digest the food we eat.

So in the afternoon, we usually need a lot of caffeine to survive the second half of the day. However, this is the wrong approach.

What you should do is explore your energy level and adjust your daily plan.

How to do it:

When you have no energy, you can try two things:

# 1. Give yourself a break, take a nap, or do some calm exercises such as meditation to replenish energy.

# 2. Let yourself move and create energy for yourself. For example, walking a short distance or doing a quick exercise.

As for the fatigue after lunch, there is no oneA general solution. The best way to figure out what you need is to try different activities for a few days at noon.

After a few days, you will have a better understanding of your body and you will be able to develop a plan that suits your needs.

4. Keep your surroundings clean and tidy

If you are surrounded by debris and dust, it is difficult to feel energetic.

Clutters can affect our mental energy, but most people ignore the importance of the environment and try to be effective when distracted.

However, the truth is that tidying up can make you energetic, especially when you face a little energy loss throughout the day.

This is why I organize my things in the morning and evening, such as removing used cups from my desk, organizing messy and loose documents, organizing my to-do list and calendar for better Geography clears thoughts.

The sense of control over my life makes me feel more energetic.

How to do it:

When we feel tired, we often think we need to rest. However, under normal circumstances, the facts are just the opposite. We need to exercise toFeel more energetic.

Organizing your home or office is a good way to act. This will not only force you to stand up and walk around, but it will also improve your clarity of thinking, which will again have a positive effect on your energy level and efficiency.

5. Drink enough water

One of the main causes of fatigue in adults is: they are chronically dehydrated.

A large part of our body is made up of water, but many people often forget to drink water. To make matters worse, the beverages they drink will dehydrate the body further, such as alcohol, sugary drinks or coffee.

How to do it:

When you feel thirsty or dry mouth, it means you are dehydrated. Your goal should be to avoid this feeling and drink small amounts of water or sugar-free beverages at the right time.

You can remind yourself by setting a silent alarm clock on your phone every hour, and even create a tracking system to encourage yourself to complete your daily hydration goals.

Increase the ritual of drinking water, such as using a large or glass bottle, to record your progress more easily and help you stay motivated to drink enough water.

6. Limit the time to watch the screen

The digital age is a blessing or a curse, depending on how you use digital products. Tools like social media can keep us in touch, but if we rely too much on the Internet, it will consume a lot of your time and energy.

However, in the end, your device and social media accounts are just tools, and whether you can use them properly is up to you.

How to do it:

A number of studies have shown that most adults generally underestimate the amount of time they spend staring at the screen. If you think you might be one of them, now is a good time to test your screen time and establish new rules.

Looking at your phone less will not only make you clear-headed, it will also give you more time to do activities and increase your energy level.

In addition to staring at the phone screen and browsing meaningless social media posts, you can do some breathing exercises, stretch your body, take a walk, drink plenty of water, use fruits and vegetables to recharge your body, or do something else that can help Things you feel better.

7. Relax before going to bed

If you do not sleep well, you may wake up feeling tired and lack energy and motivation throughout the day.

Your behavior before going to bed greatly affects the quality of your sleep.

If you eat greasy food, drink caffeinated beverages, and fight with your partner, Or watching an action movie all night, you may have a hard time falling asleep.

As a result, you will feel tired when you wake up, drink a lot of coffee during the day to make up for your lack of energy, and it will be difficult to fall asleep at night.

Soon, you will find yourself in a vicious circle of lack of energy and excessive caffeine intake.

What you should do is plan a suitable evening activity to help you relax before going to bed. This will make you sleep better and feel more energetic when you wake up in the morning.

How to do it:

There is no right or wrong for your daily relaxation plan. The only important thing is that it can help you relax, calm down, and prepare for a good night’s sleep.

My favorite way to end the day is to prepare a cup of tea, look back on my day, and read a good book.

Other activities that can help you calm down include meditation, yoga, stretching exercises, daily skin care, listening to your favorite music, painting or talking with your loved ones, etc.

Try to reduce noise and light as you gradually relax. This can also help your body enter sleep mode, so that you will fall asleep more easily when you are lying in bed.

Write at the end

Most of the time, major changes in our lives are related to small daily actions.

You may have heard some of the above suggestions many times, but are you really practicing them?

True growth occurs when you let go of yourself and start to make changes. We all know that a vibrant life is far more desirable than a tired life, but are you willing to pay a price for it?

Translator: Jane

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