Problem description: This month, my facial skin is always allergic repeatedly. I want to look for allergens in the hospital. How much is a full set of allergen inspections?
Question date:2020-10-13
Patient information:Age: 35 Gender: Female
Full set of allergen examinations are mostly required Around 400 yuan.
Different hospital levels, different regions, different charging standards, and prices will vary. Allergens can be found through blood tests and intradermal acupuncture inspection methods, which can find allergens in the patient’s body, and can be treated with desensitization methods, which can make the body produce antibodies to the allergens, reduce the number of recurring attacks, and facilitate disease control.
Usually, the face should not be irritated by cold air, and greasy fried food should be avoided during drug treatment, which may affect the effect of the drug. The diet should be nutritious and light.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection