Problem description: When I was sleeping last night, I suddenly had skin itching and some red bumps. I got red bumps and itchy all over my body in the middle of the night. What’s the matter?
Question date:2020-10-17
Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: Female
I have red bumps and itching all over the body in the middle of the night It may be caused by inflammation, infection or allergies.
Symptoms such as skin redness, local pimple, burning sensation, itching, etc. will appear after inflammation, infection and allergies. It may be caused by paying more attention to skin hygiene or clothing allergies. It is best to go to the dermatology department of the hospital to do a dermoscopy to determine the cause, and use anti-allergic drugs or antibiotics under the guidance of a doctor.
Pay attention to the cleansing of the skin during medication. It is best to use warm water or saline to wipe the skin, which can eliminate the secretions and bacteria on the surface and help relieve itching.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection