Problem description: Trigeminal pain in the head, what is going on with one side pain
Date of the problem: 2020-10-29
Patients Information: Age: 48 days Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Trigeminal pain in the head, consider trigeminal neuralgia. Cerebral vasospasm is not excluded.
1. Trigeminal neuralgia is a kind of recurrent transient, paroxysmal, severe pain like electric shock, knife cut and tearing. Each pain lasts for several seconds to tens of seconds, and it stops suddenly and does not occur. No different from ordinary people.
2. Cerebral vasospasm refers to the abnormal contraction of the cerebral arteries over a period of time. Clinically, it is found that most cerebral vasospasm is a chronic course, and patients have repeated headaches, dizziness, memory loss, mood disorders, sleep disorders, anxiety, irritability, or depression symptoms.
Mood swings, anger, mental disorders, and stress are the most common causes of cerebral vasospasm. Staying up late and insomnia can also cause cerebral vasospasm.
Guidelines: 1. The cause of headache must be clear. If it is trigeminal neuralgia, drug treatment should be preferred, such as carbamazepine. Some patients can be relieved by only drug treatment; minimally invasive interventional treatment or surgical treatment can be selected when the drug treatment fails.
2. If it is cerebral vasospasm, flunarizine hydrochloride capsules can be taken orally for symptomatic treatment. This disease is a functional disease, is a cerebrovascular dysfunction, there is no substantial disease, after treatment and relaxation, it can be completely restored!
3. Usually develop a good life, rest and eating habits, maintain adequate sleep, do not stay up late, pay attention to work and rest, and avoid fatigue and mood swings.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection