Inviting multiple people to help “bargain for free” failed, and Pinduoduo was sued.

Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Program Life” (ID: coder_life), organized by Wang Xiaoman.

I believe many people have received Pinduoduo links such as “Can you please click for me” and “Poke, you are the best”. They may come from relatives, friends, colleagues, customers and even customers. Many people have also sent this link.

So, how many people have succeeded in bargaining and getting free products or withdrawing cash successfully? Presumably, the unsuccessful people accounted for the overwhelming majority. But the lawyer Liu we want today is different. As a lawyer, he is keenly aware that the rights and interests of consumers have been violated and decisively took up legal weapons.

In March of this year, like many people, Liu, a lawyer in Shanghai, received a “bargain for free” link from a colleague of Pinduoduo. Because of curiosity, Lawyer Liu also selected a mobile phone on the Pinduoduo platform to participate in this “bargain for free” activity.

Lawyer Liu continued to forward and share the link to his WeChat friends according to the prompts on the page. As the number of forwarding increases, Pinduoduo also keeps jumping out of “You are the first in bargaining progress, and you will be the first to cut into it” and “Fortune Knife Exclusive” “Reward”, “I’m Feeling Lucky” and other words. He believed it to be true, and even spent 9.9 yuan to purchase the “acceleration package” in the Pinduoduo APP.

But after many times of following the prompts, the prompts like “Your progress is 99.99% ahead of the users”, “You only get 00.9% of the difference”, and “We expect to invite 2 more people and get them directly for free” information. Follow the prompts to “invite 2 friends” and then “invite 2 friends”, still no bargaining success, no real free mobile phone.

Lawyer Liu then chose several other products on the platform to try, and the ending was the same. He kept following the prompts, sharing links, inviting friends, and completing tasks, but the same thing happened again, and he was always close to hacking. The price was successful, but the cut was unsuccessful, and the platform still showed a difference of 00.9%.

Lawyer Liu participated in Pinduoduo’s “Bargain for Free” event page

Lawyer Liu stated that Pinduoduo was suspected of deliberately deceiving consumers, using data to falsify information, as a result of information asymmetry, and unclear rules, inducing consumers to increase traffic and clicks for it, which violates integrity and has a bad social impact. Pinduoduo uses the weakness of human nature to achieve its own marketing purposes, not only wasting consumptionThe time of the consumer has also deceived the feelings of consumers.

Lawyer Liu sued the operator of Pinduoduo, Shanghai Xunmeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xunmeng Company”), to the Shanghai Changning District People’s Court. The indictment mentioned that “bargaining for free” is The popular activities on the e-commerce platform of Xunmeng Company attracted a large number of consumers to download and register “Pinduoduo”.

On the one hand, it reminds users that they will be able to waive the order or reflect it soon. In fact, the last little bit is often difficult to complete; on the other hand, the bargaining page often shows that xx million people have received the order for free. Products, but in fact, the authenticity of these data and so-called award-winning users is often difficult to verify. It is true that some users have successfully received it, but the number of users is very small, and it has taken a lot of effort.

Lawyer Liu sued Pinduoduo for his request, hoping that through legal means, Xunmeng could disclose the true rules of the “bargain for free” activity (including the rules for calculating the price for the user’s help, the rules for rewarding the user for completing the task, and the user’s Price ranking rules); publicize the specific sending records of 3,006 mobile phones that have been sent in the “Bargain Free” campaign; refund Lawyer Liu’s service purchase fee of 9.9 yuan, and compensate Lawyer Liu for economic losses of 500 yuan and reasonable expenses of 1,000 yuan.

On March 31, 2021, the Shanghai Changning District People’s Court issued a notice to review the prosecution materials.

Most netizens applauded this behavior, but some netizens hold different views.

Netizen @有個動經友0gi5AC: Finally, someone who has just stood up to sue Pinduoduo, and there are many false advertisements, why didn’t one sue?

Netizen @紫穗花: Strongly support both hands and feet agree and support

Netizen @忘川-秋水仙素: I support Lawyer Liu Yuhang. This bargaining activity was simply unsuccessful. It was in vain for a lot of favors from others who helped me to bargain. The bargaining activity was too bad. Similar events should be cancelled. support.

Netizen @浅浅情水: Don’t play if you can’t afford it!

Netizen @妖版朱丽叶: Pinduoduo has finally come across a tough problem that is more real and understands the law! Come on, lawyer~

Netizen @猫大人 Philanthropy: I can’t blame others on my own? I have to sue and laugh me to death!

In response to this lawsuit, on the afternoon of April 6, Pinduoduo’s official customer service Weibo reposted the company’s legal director’s response saying:This issue of “Bargain for Free” is true, and 7.09 million pieces have been sent.

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