Tanmei conveys and loads female body fantasies and sexual fantasies, but the absence of female bodies is an important structural condition.

Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “created” (ID: xingshu100), Author: creating, editing & layout: Xiaona.

After the explosion of “The Soul of the Town” and “Chen Qingling”, the drama of Dangai, a film and television series adapted from Danmei’s novel, has entered the vision of capital, and more and more dramas of Dangai have begun preparations for projects.

In 2019, 59 delayed dramas have been put on record. This year, in addition to “Shanhe Ling”, which just ended perfectly not long ago, and “Hate the Lord Is Not Like Jiang Louyue”, which has not been broadcasted so far, it is expected that “Haoyi Xing” and “Slaying the Wolf” will be broadcast within this year. “You are on the left shoulder”, “Zhang Gong’an”, “Yan Bai”, “The Backlighter”, “Mountains and Rivers” and many other big IP dramas, 2021 has become the first year of “Dangai 101”.

Capital favors Dangai dramas because once Dangai dramas become popular, they can be said to be extremely profitable.

The “Chen Qing Ling”, which was broadcast in 2019, has a cumulative total of 5.3 billion views on the platform. It only attracts more than 150 million in advance on-demand, and 240 million in ad revenue. The national style digital album with a price tag of 20 yuan was released. Sales in 4 hours exceeded 2.65 million. As of April 1 this year, more than 1.6 million copies were sold.

This year’s fire “Shanhe Order”, as a rising star, he has no mercy when he makes money. He launched a campaign to increase the rankings and update. You can purchase Youku’s annual card to get an item called “Liu Li Jia”. All the Liulijia contributed by all users can unlock the main creative cloud meeting, add 1 episode every Saturday, and 1 episode every Sunday.

According to netizens’ calculations, a 40% discount for an annual card is 118 yuan, and no discount is 198 yuan. In other words, the plus one episode requires 200,000 annual card members, and the cost is between 23.6 million yuan and 39.6 million yuan.

In order to add more updates, there are even users who have been a member of Youku for 200 years.

The protagonists of these dramas are often two males, focusing on portrayingIt is also a feeling between men, but most of their target users are women, some are readers of original novels, and the other are attracted by film and television dramas.

After breaking the stereotype of “people are stupid and rich”, these female users are actually a very creative group. In addition to passively watching film and television works, they will also actively make secondary creations, make video clips, and draw fan pictures. , Write the same humanities… Some of them are still on Weibo to make rankings and do statistics to help their works break the circle and get more traffic.

In the fantasy world of their pink secondary creations, the structural absence of the female body is often an important prerequisite.

Why do women pin their ideal relationship between two male protagonists?

Does the drama show the desires and fantasies of women?

What created fan enthusiasm?

Today, I want to recommend three guests in related fields. Each of them may provide you with new ideas about women, doujin, and Tanmei.

Let us take a look at these three guests.

01 Dai Jinhua: Tanmei is trying to provide a restorative power to the society

#Click on the picture to view the full speech

Dai Jinhua, Professor of the Institute of Comparative Literature of the Chinese Department of Peking University, Director of the Center for Film and Culture Studies of Peking University, PhD supervisor, has served as a guest in dozens of universities in the United States, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions professor.

Her main research directions are Chinese film history, popular culture, and female literature. Monographs include “Landscape in the Mist”, “Film Criticism”, “Gender China”, etc., and have been translated and published in multiple languages.

Because of the changes in capital structure, labor structure, and production methods, as well as the development of technologies such as the Internet and VR, this has led to the popularity of such phenomena as men’s desire to watch, corrupt culture, immorality, and female protagonists.

Dai Jinhua said: “Although Tanmei is also included in romance in a broad sense, it is more special than romance in that it is trying to provide society with a kind of restorative power.”

The restorative power is how to connect individuals and individuals, and how to re-establish a connection with society or a commitment to society in the connection between individuals and individuals.

This kind of subculture, this kind of text, it is trying to bear and face today’s meThis is the “individualism desperate situation” faced by otaku otaku in this Internet age.

The Tanmei culture struggles to establish intimacy and thus restore sociality.

However, Tanmei, a field to transmit and load female body fantasy and female sexual fantasy, takes the absence of the female body as an important structural condition.

The fire delays the drama “The Order of Mountains and Rivers” stills

We have not seen the emergence of new female social life templates, nor have we seen the emergence of a calm and reflective expression of the female body.

Women have placed our personal female social life experience between the image of the male, the life of the male, and the love between the male and the male.

Will Tanmei culture bring different values ​​to society?

Why do women put social self and social experience on male images?

Can women’s spending power change the status quo of women and enable them to gain power?

If you want to ask similar questions, please leave a message in the comment area at the end of the article. We will arrange a live broadcast to discuss topics of interest to everyone.

02 Zheng Xiqing: Why would Tanmei colleagues become a “spiritual utopia” for women?

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Zheng Xiqing is an assistant researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He has devoted himself to fan culture research for many years. He translated “Text Poachers: TV Fans and Participatory Culture” and co-authored “Broken Wall Book: Keywords of Internet Culture”. Published thesis “Revolutionary Narrative in Contemporary Internet Fan Writing” and so on.

She explored the significance of Tanmei fan culture to women and the reasons why female characters are absent from this fantasy.

In Tanmei, we can often see women staring, from a female perspective, peeking at the relationship between two men. What is popular in the United States is the desire of ordinary female fansAnd fantasy, it is the result of the thinking confrontation of the entire female fan community, and it reflects the imagination of women’s ideal relationship.

But why does this ideal relationship occur between the same sex and not between the opposite sex?

There are several common explanations here, one of which is the failure of the heterosexual model.

If this kind of heterosexual relationship appears in a career occasion, it will definitely collapse into the family sphere. If two people fall in love with each other, then they will definitely get married, and then they must return to the family’s trivialities. In fact, fans are not very willing to watch this.

The second reason is women’s discomfort with substitution. Women do not want to bring themselves into the image of very weak and powerless women in popular texts. They need men to save, or are always a little bit worse than men. What they prefer is the power of onlookers and manipulation.

Stills of the movie “Love in the Fallen City” starring Chow Yun-fat and Miao Qianren

By Women, For Women, With Love.

In a sense, doujin is a kind of friendly, non-profit utopia established by women in the imaginary world for themselves and others.

Of course, when fans are intertwined with human culture and reality, they will inevitably form a very complex tension relationship with capital and social networking platforms. Sometimes it is not always peace and love.

But it is undeniable that this group of people who generate electricity for love, they are still exploring the problems that they cannot practice in daily life, and dreams that they cannot place in reality.

Why do people think “fans = brain damage”?

Are fans “cultural idiots” or “active creators”?

Why would Tanmei colleagues become a “spiritual utopia” for women?

If you want to ask similar questions, please leave a message in the comment area at the end of the article. We will arrange a live broadcast to discuss topics of interest to everyone.

03 ​​Zhu Lili: What creates fan enthusiasm?

Zhu Lili is a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Nanjing University. She has published more than 30 papers in CSSCI journals and TSSCI journals such as Journalism and Communication Studies, Journal of Communication Sociology, Literary Review, and Modern Communication. Her research interests are Concentrated in the fields of media culture research, film and television research, and youth research.

What created fan enthusiasm?

She believes that “fans shape the relationship and emotions between each other by liking a character in common”.

In fact, from the existing fan research, I personally think that the very important point is actually hormones.

Most fans are concentrated in teenagers, and the gender of most fans is concentrated in women. This actually shows us that those marginal, non-mainstream parts of society that are not valued more need to find collective strength and sense of discourse through fan culture.

Secondly, with the changes in society, many of the original social structures have loosened and disappeared, and the clan culture and unit culture have basically disappeared, at least for young people in the city. Fan culture is actually an inevitable exit of the atomized society.

In the 1960s and 1970s, people in the unit stayed together all their lives, born, old, sick, and died. Everyone knew the gossip about other people. That era has passed. Now you may not know anyone in the company, you just go to work.

In such a lonely society, we are not relatives and we are only connected through a kind of interest. We have common love, attachment, and liking, and we are projected on the same character. We have shaped the relationship and emotions between us by our mutual liking for such a character, and we feel that we are a class of people.

We can hug together for warmth. It is like our tree hole and our gathering place.

In order to “persecute” Lee Road Xiu, the “sun silks” gathered together

If we put aside all prejudices, fan culture is actually one of the most important daily cultural experiences of Chinese youth or global youth.

It provides us with an entrance to understand youth, because we can use fan culture to understand their vivid cultural logic and intergenerational expression.

Why do we need to understand fan culture?

The relationship between fans and idolsWhat has changed?

The power of fans has increased. Why has the quality of cultural products not increased?