Why are we tired, weary, and can’t find the time, opportunity, or motivation to get up to do it?

Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “sixth man” (ID: connect_yourself), Author: sixth man.

3 month, I finished reading “Feng Tang·Sheng Shi Min Fa”.

This matter is not a big deal, but—compared with the intense and stressful pace of my work and life throughout Q1, it’s a rewarding experience to finish reading it smoothly, and it’s especially worth remembering.

This is a micro-habit practice of “not thinking too much”. It’s nothing more than that when I arrive at the office in the morning, I don’t do anything without saying anything. I don’t talk to people or talk to people. I open the book and read quickly. Read on. Until half an hour is up, immediately close the book and turn to work.

Different from the chaos, disorder and anxiety before the Spring Festival, after returning to work after the Spring Festival, I have made great achievements and progress. What is rare is that between the challenging work and family affairs, I have achieved good results. balance.

This feeling of “the busier the more productive, the busier the more rhythmic” makes me want to re-examine my work life: what is in it?

Reviewing the 8 steps of establishing microhabits, I found:

Step1: Choose the microhabit and plan that suits you

Step 2: Exploring the intrinsic value of each micro habit

Step3: Clarify the habitual basis and include it in the schedule

Step4: Establish a reward mechanism to reward and enhance the sense of accomplishment

Step5: Record and track completion status

Step6: Start with a small amount, and finish over the amount

Step7: Obey the plan and get rid of high expectations

Step8: Pay attention to the signs of habit formation

To complete this task, it is precisely because of the establishment of a return mechanism, recording and effective tracking, sometimes over-fulfillment, and ultimately winning very good results. Therefore, I have a special deep experience in Step3-4-5-6.

1 Snobbery

The activation of micro habits is actually very subtle.

Did you find out:

Even if others do well, even if you think they are doing very well, but to establish micro-habits, the first thing you must overcome is still your own inner heart—thinking.

Many times, you will look down on micro habits, why?

People are snobs.

When the effect of an event is so small that it can be ignored by the naked eye, of course you will directly ignore it.

There is another situation:

This has just entered the flow, I want to finish more quickly, I don’t want to let it go; then I suddenly used a fierce bombardment, doing too much… As a result, I didn’t want to do it the next day.

There are no results visible to the naked eye, and the results cannot be predicted in advance; sometimes it seems to choke after eating too much…

It’s too difficult to get started and persist.

Until I finished reading Feng Tang’s book, my intuitive feelings became stronger and stronger: You see, It seems that I really didn’t do anything, but it was indeed the thing that I did.

The sense of accomplishment in doing things, of course, will only be shown in the process, especially when you are almost done, so what must be overcome is this kind of “visual desire awareness”.

The ingenuity of micro-habits lies in “moisturizing things silently in silent places.” Good results are not driven by utilitarian expectations, but by actions to guide thinking. As long as you move your legs first and start with your hands, most things will slowly get on track.

The most difficult thing to build a microhabit is to “look at it right.” It is even more difficult than if you want to develop a complete habit, the difficulty lies in the inner utility: the direct benefits brought by the habit, and the conflict caused by the “hiddenness” of the result.

2 Some things are not suitable to be done through micro habits

Almost all the work I do is innovative—that is: there is no comfort zone to dock every day when I wake up.

I have been trying to reduce the difficulty and pressure of my work, and I want to break it down into some small tasks and get them one by one. Later I found out: There are indeed some things that cannot be done through micro-habits. For example, some task attributes require in-depth work. Most of these tasks require extremely high creativity, subversiveness, creativity and inspiration. They are exploratory rather than physical labor.

This requires you to spend 2-3 hours to do complete thinking, enter the workflow, avoid external interruptions, and be deeply immersed.

If you have to use any micro-habits, you can only cause yourself to become manic. These tasks seem to have no specific targets, and it is difficult to divide them into daily micro habits to complete. Using micro-habits in the wrong place can cause unnecessary anxiety.

Many people only see the prevalence of micro-habits, but they may not carefully classify their matters, which also leads to the misuse of micro-habits.

3 Lack of vitality, lack of movement line design

I have a few things that I have never been able to do, such as:

The calcium tablets and protein powder my mother sent me, I often forget to eat; for example, I have called for abdominal muscles and stovepipe for many years, but I have never realized it. Do it once, forget it twice, and be lazy for 3 days. , One month and one year passed.

What is the reason for not forming micro habits?

1. Things that are not at hand are easy to forget

2. Micro habits that are not in sight are not easy to establish

3. The start-up cost is too high (this is why it is so difficult to get up from the sofa to run), no energy

Maybe you have indeed made a big wish and made a big ambition, but essentially, you still haven’t established a strong connection between microhabits and your real life. You want to do something, but you don’t have the strength in the end.

The right time, energy and physical strength, and the right scene are indispensable for the execution of microhabits. The design of the movement line is especially important.

After fully observing myself, I found some practical methods for establishing and maintaining microhabits:

1 Find basic micro habits and guard against them

This is why Step2: “Exploring the Intrinsic Value of Micro Habits” in the 8 Steps of Micro Habits is important.

But in fact, I think that the meaning of is not unearthed, but is naturally presented in the process of real action, first thinking and thinking later-if you do, you will naturally understand, feel, and Understand the logic and mystery.

So, to get rid of the barriers of micro-habits, we must do it first, and then talk about the meaning.

People who talk a lot can’t build micro habits, and it’s hard to benefit from them.

I found: If I can stick to the micro habit of going to bed early and clocking in at 10 o’clock, then many of my things will progress and be fully protected. My daily life will become exceptionally smooth, and most things will be The completion is full of efficiency, and it can also bring a lot of happiness. Going to bed early makes the day full of energy, and I have enough energy to complete different tasks such as running, reading, and English learning.

This shows me the difference between micro-habits and micro-habits-There are tens of thousands of habits in the world, can’t you have them all? You can’t ask for it at the same time, can you?

The time, energy and will are limited. Go pick up a watermelon and come back!

For everyone, we must find the hand behind the domino, and then establish the most basic habit to guard against death.

For me, it means going to bed early. You can find your basic habit, take patience to watch it bring fruitThe results.

Don’t be greedy, don’t want too much, especially-don’t both.

2 Design a fixed action route and embed it in your daily schedule

There is an interesting comparison and discovery:

On workdays, I often get fruitful–

1. When I was too busy to jump my feet, I finished reading Feng Tang;

2. Learn English on the way to work, and will be promoted about once every six months;

3. My Knowledge Planet still maintains a relatively high frequency and stable output marketing case analysis;

But when I started taking vacations and left a regular life, all the things I insisted on were put down during this time, such as:

9:00-9:30 in the morning, I am definitely not fragmented to read

8:00-9:00 in the morning, I definitely didn’t study English, because I didn’t take the bus at that time, maybe I didn’t wake up yet, or I was occupied by other things.

One cannot be as tight as a rubber band, and cannot breathe. This is the meaning of rest for work.

However, this example just reveals a very subtle problem, which is the point I mentioned at the beginning of the article: Why sometimes, rest does not bring higher happiness and output, but This is the time when we work hard and run around, which is the time when we are most effective.

1. When I put the calcium tablets in the most conspicuous position of my desk, I will never forget to eat them again, and health medicines will never expire

2. As long as I squeeze it out for 8-10 minutes in the morning, I can soak the miscellaneous grains and rice, come back to steam the rice in the evening, reduce the intake of carbon water, and maintain good eating habits

3. I found a new way to match a few pieces of old clothes, and then, when I wear one, I must look for another one. The happiness increases with the utilization rate, which also requires careful design< /p>

You will find: Above, between “do it” and “can’t do” caused by inexplicable delay or being occupied by other affairs, there is only a very narrow river, that is: you Have you fixed your own schedule, fixed a specific scene, and then incorporated micro habits into it?

These micro habits are all deliberately designed with actions and routes. Moreover, because the boundaries of behavior are firmly established and there is sufficient sense of restraint, you, a free man, are well shaped, that is, do what you should do, without the slightest hesitation, hesitation, and internal friction.

Find a schedule for the micro-habits you want to develop, and establish a specific time for the important micro-habits, so that the probability of completion will increase rapidly.

3 Pay attention to aids and tools, and get a good feeling from feedback

To solve the “snobbish, too small” and other “snobbish problems”, there are several tools that are particularly easy to use: for example, time records; progress records; including punch cards that many people like diary. This is also the important part of Micro Habits Step5-Recording and Tracking.

People who have really practiced micro-habits and have practiced multiple micro-habits may smile silently-even if you do a very good job, If you don’t have a recording tool, your inner mind about the objective results and psychology of this matter Recognition will also vary. This affects your motivation, determination, and patience to continue to invest in microhabits, so visualization tools are essential.

The nature of human beings is that there are no ready-made results and actual benefits are drawn to the eyes. Then a thing outside the rocker arm looks like the moon is far away from the earth.

So, you need to use some progress bars to create the effect of “visual presentation”, and then strengthen your confidence and execution.

4 Transform unfamiliar and complex matters, enter micro-habits and implement them

As mentioned earlier, unfamiliar and brand-new exploratory affairs are not suitable for micro-habits. However, you can do some migration and transformation.

For me: Once I have completed the product form definition of an innovative product, from zero to one, within my personal control, it will change from a “unfamiliar new business” to a “semi-familiar Exploring the business”. Then, for the familiar part, I can quickly enter the micro-habit process, break some of the tasks, and then assign different project content to a time period for processing.

It looks more like a schedule within a day, but in essence, it is actually a kind of micro-habit-similar tasks, batch processing. In a fixed period of time, only a certain type of transaction is processed.

I often use this method to deal with different projects, and the efficiency is very high. For example: some belong to “external communication”; some belong to “update and reading feedback of established tasks”; some belong to “internal confirmation”. When these different tasks are mixed together to create a highly complex and challenging project, I will gradually peel off some of the familiar parts and enter the micro-habit operation.

Let the tasks you face in your life have a higher percentage of “familiar and good content”, your micro-habits can begin to intervene, and the efficiency of using short sprints will be higher.

5 Allow yourself to “get only part of it”

My 2The 021 reading plan is 21 books, and look at the reality: I basically cannot complete this plan.

But I plan to stick to it in the way I am used to, so it is achievable to finish reading 10 books.

The most important mode of action for micro-habits is actually: do it with your eyes closed and think less. The “just do it right” mentality will let you get started quickly.

So, the first thing that makes people give up is probably the “despair mentality.” Re-adjust expectations and goals within sight: Do only part of it and make sure you finish it yourself. This is the biggest victory.

6 Create a story line for your microhabits

In fact, I have always hesitated and doubted how to teach children by precepts and deeds, and how to provide high-quality company. It wasn’t until I decided to continue to devote my child’s artistic skills to learning that:

In this traditional sense, the things that parents do and their children work hard have another meaning, that is: to create unforgettable memories in life together.

From going to get out of class and returning home after class, at least 6 hours a week is my unwavering commitment to my children.

We observe the scenery on the road and interact with each other in the outdoor and natural spaces; we have English learning conversations along the way and talk about what happened this week; we look at the clothes of people around us and learn color matching from life.

Suddenly, it was like finding the foundation and power point of education… This micro-habit established between us is showing great power, and it happens every week.

Painting is becoming a micro habit in our lives, and it has also become a theme storyline for us to learn and explore the world together.

7 Stop in time, continue next time

You’d better be able to tame the wild horse in your heart in the process of developing and establishing microhabits. For example: restrain yourself not to finish reading in one breath, try to let yourself finish reading in 20 breaths. This is actually a kind of Practice.

Save combat power, physical strength, energy, after all, you have so many micro habits, every ten minutes, it will take a few hours… Have you done it all? Are you doing well?

Can you stick to it every day?

This is difficult. Practice hard.

I think it’s important to explore the importance of something and know what its meaning and value are. It’s important to save time and cost and avoid unnecessary detours… But, do it first and then do it later. Thinking is actually the source of many inconspicuous but far-reaching achievements.

When we all know the meaning of something, but we can’t do it most of the time;

Or we don’t think about one thing clearlyMeaning, I don’t know whether to start…

The best way is to do it first, and then talk about it.

Why are we tired, weary, and can’t find the time, opportunity, or motivation to get up to do it?

The persistence of micro-habits will ultimately overcome our limited physical and mental energy. But its greatest empowerment to life is: because it has been cut into small enough tasks, it can never fail and 100% succeed.

In fact, what we need is the faith, confidence and lightness that this “success” brings. When you start and truly establish micro habits, to do list will no longer flash on your forehead.

The difficulty in establishing and maintaining microhabits is that they are very easy to be interrupted, and they are easy to be shelved at any time. Of course, it can be restarted after shelving, but the power of micro-habits comes more from continuity. It is this continuity that promotes energy flow and enhances self-control.

Since I developed the habit of going to bed early, learning English on public transport, and reading fragments in the morning, these tasks have melted into my body. They are no longer to-do items, they have indeed turned into micro-habits and no longer consume my mental resources.

I hope you can also create a micro-habit “autobiographical engine”. As soon as the motor rang, you will start to move!

I think this is really a wonderful thing!

It’s just: Don’t be too greedy every time!