Problem description: When washing my face, I found that my neck will not grow several small meat balls. I want to remove it quickly. It feels very ugly. How to remove the long spurs on my neck?
Question date: 2020-10-24
Patient information: Age: 42 Gender: Male
Long spurs on the neck can be smeared against Virus ointment or laser treatment.
The fleshy thorns on the neck may be caused by the skin being stimulated by the virus. There will be one or more small tumor-like bumps on the skin, and symptoms such as local itching or burning sensation will appear. It is best to go to the hospital for dermoscopy and blood tests to determine the condition before medication treatment, and to adjust the amount of medication targeted.
Laser can completely eradicate. After laser surgery, skin protection should be done. It is best not to take a bath or contact with cold water too early to avoid skin infection or pain.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection