Problem description: I have abdominal pain. The doctor said it was caused by gallstones. Now that the pain is relieved, the gallstones suddenly disappear. What’s the matter?
Question date:2020-10-25
Patient information:Age: 45 Gender: Female
Suddenly the gallstones no longer hurt most The stone area is relatively small.
For large stones or repeated stimulation of the gallbladder wall, it may cause severe pain in the right upper abdomen, and it may also be accompanied by symptoms such as high fever, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, and stomach acid reflux. It can be treated with oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medication under the guidance of a doctor, which can have anti-inflammatory or analgesic effects.
Patients with gallstones should observe their own conditions during the recovery period. If they become worse, they need to seek medical treatment in time. At the same time, they should choose appropriate exercises according to their own conditions to improve their own resistance.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection