Problem description: The period has been normal before. The period is 29-32 days. This time, it has been delayed for 20 days, and there is no sex during the period to rule out pregnancy. What should I do? The only difference is that I took out my wisdom teeth and took anti-inflammatory drugs for a week this month.
Date of problem: 2020-11-10
Patient information: Age: 30 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis: Hello, according to your description, it is normal for menstruation a week earlier or a week later, but if you postpone it by 20 The balance is relatively regular, so this situation is abnormal, so further inspection is required.
Guiding suggestions: It is recommended that if pregnancy has been ruled out, then you need to consider further examination of sex hormone levels and pelvic color Doppler ultrasound and other inspection items to find out what is causing it
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination