Problem description: Genital cold, which is very cold, has no sexual desire, erection is weak, and it does not last long. There is a history of masturbation, but a long time ago, intercourse was not frequent, about a month About 4 times 5 times
Question date:2020-11-10
Patient information:Age: 22 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis: Hello, according to your description, this situation is likely to need to consider whether there is a possibility of reproductive system diseases, such as whether there is a possibility of chronic prostatitis, seminal vesicles and other diseases. Sex.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended to consider the hospital for further examination, such as checking the reproductive system color Doppler ultrasound and prostate fluid routine, to rule out the possibility of low libido due to chronic inflammation. Further treatment will be done according to the specific examination situation. It is necessary to pay attention to rest and light diet. If you have the habit of smoking and drinking, it is recommended to quit.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection