Problem description: My menstruation came on the 20th last month, and it is now the 28th. My menstruation has not come yet, and I am worried that I am pregnant. How long is the postponement of the menstrual period for early pregnancy?
Question date:2020-10-30
Patient information:Age: 21 Gender: Female
If menstruation is delayed for more than one week, you should suspect Early pregnancy.
The menstruation of normal women is cyclical and self-limiting. If the difference between menstruation and menstruation is 1-2 weeks, it is normal. If the menstruation is delayed by 1 week or even more than 10 days than the normal time, it should be highly suspected of early pregnancy. Women with regular menstrual cycles can undergo color Doppler ultrasound examination after the menstrual cycle is delayed 7-10 days, and the gestational sac of early pregnancy can be seen, blood HCG examination can be performed, and the increased HCG value can be seen. If pregnancy is excluded, it is the delay of menstruation caused by external factors or hormone levels.
It is recommended that if the menstruation is delayed for more than one week, it is necessary to go to a regular hospital for B-ultrasound examination and blood HCG examination for diagnosis. After the diagnosis of pregnancy, you need to pay more attention to rest, avoid fatigue, and have a balanced diet.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection