Problem description: I was only 18 years old today. I talked to a boyfriend. We had a relationship under impulsive circumstances; this time I found that menstruation had been delayed for several days, and I didn’t dare to tell my family. I am worried about whether I am pregnant. How can I exclude pregnancy after menstrual delay?
Question date:2020-10-30
Patient information:Age: 18 Gender: Female
Menstrual delay can be done through early pregnancy test paper or Go to the hospital for a blood test to rule out pregnancy.
Menstruation is delayed. If the menstruation is regular and there is a normal sex life, the chance of pregnancy is higher in this case. You can use an early pregnancy test paper or pregnancy test stick to test after the menstruation is delayed for one week. If two bars are displayed, the pregnancy is proved. In addition, you can go to the hospital to rule out through blood hcg examination and color Doppler ultrasound examination. Blood chorionic gonadotropin, the normal value of non-pregnant women is 0-10mIU/L; the value of hcg in pregnant women will be significantly higher, generally more than 30mIU/L. By doing a color Doppler ultrasound examination and seeing that there is a gestational sac in the uterine cavity, it proves that the patient is pregnant.
It is recommended that if you have regular menstruation and have sex, you need to go to the hospital in time when menstruation is delayed for more than a week, and the diagnosis should be confirmed by blood hcg test and B-ultrasound.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection