Problem description: Now I often cannot fall asleep at night, and often wake up in the middle of the night. It may be insomnia. I want to be treated. How long will the insomnia treatment take?
Question date:2020-11-01
Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: Female
How long should the insomnia treatment take depend on the condition Reason to make a decision.
If the symptoms are particularly mild, it takes a few days to heal. If the symptoms are particularly severe, long-term treatment is needed. Insomnia may be caused by the stress of daily life and excessive emotional stress. It may be that drinking some strong coffee before going to bed at night will excite the central nervous system and cause insomnia.
Patients can be treated with drugs that calm the nerves and invigorate the brain under the guidance of a doctor. They can also listen to some soothing music before going to bed, which can cultivate sentiment and promote sleep.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection