Problem description: When I was about 8 to 10 years old, I didn’t grasp the climbing ladder, fell down, and landed on my back (about the position of the lumbar spine). There are 2 cm thick mats on the ground. When I first fell, it hurt for about half an hour to an hour. Haven’t been to the hospital. I don’t know if there are any problems with the nervous system and lumbar spine.
Question date:2020-11-15
Patient information:Age: 16 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: This can only be a partial CT scan of the lumbar spine in the hospital to determine whether there are old lesions or injuries in the lumbar spine.
Guidelines: Determine whether it is caused by past falls or current muscle strain It’s not easy to bend over. You can also take a local NMR to see soft tissues.
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination