Why different people have different pregnancy reactions

Female friends will have some pregnancy reactions after they become pregnant. Nausea and vomiting are usually the most obvious when you get up every morning. However, each woman has some differences in pregnancy reactions during pregnancy, and the severity of them varies. So, why do different people react differently to pregnancy?

The reason why women react differently after pregnancy is because of the physique of the pregnant woman There will be differences. Generally, the better a woman’s physique, the smaller her reaction after pregnancy. If the female physique is relatively poor, the pregnancy reaction will be more serious. In addition, the diet during pregnancy will also affect the severity of pregnancy reactions.

Some women have severe pregnancy reactions and are affected by the sense of smell. Many women have a very sensitive sense of smell when they are pregnant, and are particularly sensitive to certain odors, such as oily smoke and fishy odors. After smelling them, they will feel nauseous and vomiting. But there are also some pregnant women who have the same sense of smell as before pregnancy, and these pregnant women will have less pregnancy reactions.

The reason why women have a pregnancy reaction during pregnancy is caused by changes in the hormones in the body. The higher the amount of estrogen secreted in a pregnant woman’s body, the more severe the pregnancy reaction. Yes A small number of women have slower growth of estrogen after pregnancy. At this time, her pregnancy reaction is relatively mild, and there is no obvious pregnancy reaction even during the entire pregnancy.