Problem description:Take Guifuli Zhongwan Pills and Xiangsha Pingwei Pills for three months with thick white tongue coating, no effect, no signs of irritation, positive Helicobacter pylori, chronic superficial gastritis with erosion, Appetite decreased, appetite decreased, eating omeprazole, pectin bismuth, clarithromycin, amoxicillin for twelve days, appetite worse.
Question date:2020-11-22
Patient information:Age: 45 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, after taking this medicine for treatment like this situation, the appetite becomes worse, then this situation still needs to consider a different treatment plan.
Guidance suggestion: The suggestion can consider the hospital’s spleen and stomach department to see a doctor, ask a Chinese medicine practitioner to cooperate with some Chinese medicines after differentiation of symptoms and signs, and the diet should be based on light and easy-to-digest foods.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection