With the development of technologies such as artificial intelligence, technology is changing the medical industry. Whether it is a physical disease or a psychological problem, technology products have gradually become a new therapeutic tool.

The recent behavioral scientist Matthew Goodwin of Northeastern University has developed a new wearable device that can be predictions emotional out of control in autistic people who may develop aggressive behavior, study People refer to this situation as “Aggressive Outbursts.”

This wearable device is a bit like a smart bracelet, by monitoring patientsPhysiological indicators such as heart rate, body temperature, sweat production and arm movements determine the current emotional state of the wearer and predict whether they will “break out” one minute in advance, in order to help the caregiver respond in a timely manner.

Approximately 20 children with autism have tried the device, and the accuracy of the prediction is 84% ​​during the 87-hour monitoring period.

Next, Goodwin plans to increase the number of trials to 240. He said that as the sample data continues to increase, more training is provided on the machine learning model to better quantify the patient’s mood and behavior. 60 seconds.

This may help some parents of many autistic children, Goodwin said, because many families don’t dare to take children with autism out because they don’t know when the child will suddenly get out of control. Being at home will only make autism more and more serious.

Some parents said that even though our prediction accuracy is only 60%, it is stronger than completely uncontrollable. They say it is invaluable.

As for when this wearable device will be introduced to the market, it is not known. But in addition to devices that prevent autism, there are already wearable devices in the market that hope to fundamentally treat autism.

Google Glass, which is smashed in the consumer market, has become a tool for treating autism. A