Although the current BTC calculation power is five times that of January last year, the distribution of the calculation power of the mining pool has remained almost unchanged.

Editor’s note: This article comes from the strategic cooperation blockchain media “Odaily Planet Daily” (Public ID: o-daily, < a href="">APP Download)

The Planet Daily | Coin Ann is acknowledging that it is testing financial lending products; the Central Bank of Rwanda is studying ways to issue digital currency


Zhao Changpeng confirms that Qian’an is testing financial lending products

On August 22nd, the website of the coin transfer financial product page was leaked, or the lending business will be launched. Zhao Changpeng confirmed this news in the Yuanan community, saying that Qian’an is testing financial lending products, and the contract and legal currency transactions of the currency security will be launched as soon as possible. Zhao Changpeng also said that there are still many projects in the queue, waiting for the Shanganan Launchapad, five projects for three months can continue as planned. In the case of poor liquidity of the main board of the coin on the DEX, the currency may consider reducing the transaction pair, but considering the holders of the money (feeling and interest), the currency security will be cautious about the operation of the next token. (block block musicBlocks)

Digital currency

CME announces that it will include data from the Gemini exchange in the Bitcoin and Ethereum pricing indices

CME official Twitter announced that CME CF Bitcoin and Ethereum USD pricing index will join the trading data of Gemini Exchange from 10:30 on August 30th. The move will make Gemini the fifth constituent exchange for the CME Bitcoin pricing index and the fourth constituent exchange for the Ethereum pricing index.

星球日报 | Coin Ann admitted to testing financial lending products; Rwanda Central Bank is studying ways to issue digital currency