Problem description: Now I have symptoms of stomach pain and have undergone a comprehensive examination. The result of the examination is gastritis. What should I do if the gastritis is painful?
Question date:2020-11-08
Patient information:Age: 34 Gender: Female
Gastritis is so painful that you can take food Therapy or medication.
Food therapy includes drinking some brown sugar ginger water appropriately, which can expel wind and cold, and at the same time warm the stomach, and relieve stomach pain. During the conditioning period, the condition should be closely observed. If there is no improvement or aggravation for a long time, it also needs to be treated with anti-inflammatory and analgesic or heat-reducing analgesic drugs, and the specific cause should be clarified, and the pathogen should be treated.
At the same time, hot compresses on the stomach can also have a therapeutic effect. The diet should reduce the intake of spicy food, which will cause the gastrointestinal mucosa to be irritated, which will increase the difficulty of treatment.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection