Problem description: My aunt is going to the hospital for a physical examination, but the doctor asked me to do a blood test to check the number of platelets. Would you like to ask what is the normal platelet value?
Question date: 2020-11-13
Patient information: Age: 45 Sex: Male
The normal platelet value is (100- 300)×10^9pcs/L.
If the patient’s platelet value is lower than 100 or higher than 300, it is best to go to a regular hospital for related examinations in time to determine whether it is caused by abnormal hematopoietic function and other reasons, and do it in a targeted manner treatment. If it is a slight thrombocytopenia, the patient can adjust the diet and eat more foods with higher iron content, such as animal liver, spinach, etc. Patients with severe symptoms need timely infusion therapy.
Pay more attention to rest during treatment, and don’t do heavy work, so as not to affect the recovery of the disease. Try to focus on light and easy-to-digest foods as much as possible in the diet, drink plenty of water to promote the body’s metabolism.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection