Problem description: My brother said that his body is particularly uncomfortable. Recently, he has always been dizzy and pale. After going to the hospital, he found that he had thrombocytopenia. What are the symptoms of low platelets?
Date of problem:2020-11-13
Patient information:Age: 37 Sex: Male
Thrombocytopenia will show skin bleeding , Bleeding gums, etc.
Some patients may have nose bleeding, joint bleeding, or gastrointestinal bleeding. If there are symptoms of thrombocytopenia, it is best for the patient to go to a regular hospital for related examinations in time. After the diagnosis is clear, they can take hormone drugs for treatment under the guidance of a doctor. If there is no effective treatment, it may cause the patient’s condition to get worse and affect the health of the body.
Usually you can eat more foods with high iron content, such as spinach, animal liver, etc. At the same time, you must maintain good living habits, try to avoid staying up late, and do not overwork. Do more aerobic exercises appropriately to enhance Immunity.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection