Problem description: I had spine correction surgery some time ago, and my tailbone always hurts during this period of time. Will it have something to do with my spine correction before?
Date of the problem: 2020-11-18
Patient information:Age: 44 Gender: Female
Spine correction generally does not cause tailbone pain.
The spine correction technique is a technique dedicated to repositioning the deviated and subluxed spine and adjusting the vertebral joints. It has its unique force-generating technique and is a scientific and efficient treatment technique. This adjustment method is not only safe and effective for the spine, but also involves every muscle and joint of the body, and involves various physiological balances. Therefore, it will not cause tailbone pain. Coccyx pain often has multiple causes, usually related to trauma, such as the coccyx landing on the ground, causing local joint ligament damage, or even fractures.
It is recommended to go to a regular hospital for examination in time to clarify the cause of tailbone pain, reduce local immobilization, and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection