Problem description: I went to the hospital for an examination a few days ago, and it was found that I had uterine fibroids, about 4 mm in size. I was a little scared. I would like to ask if 4 mm uterine fibroids are big?
Question date:2020-11-21
Patient information:Age: 28 Gender: Female
A 4 mm uterine fibroids still Excluding uterine fibroids.
The fibroids are considered to be large fibroids when the diameter exceeds 5cm. Whether uterine fibroids need surgery, first of all depends on the size of the fibroids. Uterine fibroids larger than 5cm are indicated for surgery. Secondly, it depends on the symptoms. Regardless of the size of the fibroids, as long as the fibroids cause changes in the patient’s menstruation, leading to excessive menstrual time, increased menstrual flow, or infection and degeneration, there are indications for surgery. .
It is recommended that 4 mm uterine fibroids undergo surgical treatment. If the fibroids do not affect the endometrial or subserosal attack flow, and there are no symptoms, it can be temporarily observed at this time.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection