Problem description: I went to the hospital for an examination some time ago and found out that I had adenomyoma. The doctor said that the operation should be performed as soon as possible. However, I heard that the uterus should be cut off for the operation. Will fibroids cut off the uterus?
Question date:2020-11-21
Patient information: Age: 27 Gender: Female
Will the adenomyoma be cut off? The uterus depends on the specific situation.
If the depth of the uterine cavity is less than 9cm, the patient can wear a Mirena ring, which can release drugs to treat adenomyoma of the uterus and shrink the adenomyoma of the uterus. If you are close to menopause, or women who are already menopausal and have adenomyoma, you do not need to remove the uterus, just continue to observe. After menopause, most cases of uterine adenomyoma will shrink, and the symptoms will gradually alleviate and disappear. If it is a woman of childbearing age, adenomyoma may gradually grow.
Usually, we should prevent excessive fatigue, especially during menstruation, pay more attention to rest. Eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less spicy foods. Patients with uterine fibroids are not suitable for pregnancy, so contraceptive measures should be taken during normal sex.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection