Description of the problem: My wife has recently fallen into pain in the lower abdomen, and is accompanied by abnormal bleeding in the lower body. She went to the hospital for a gynecological examination and found that it was a uterine polyp. I would like to ask if the polyp is a uterine fibroids?
Question date: 2020-11-21
Patient information: Age: 26 Gender: Female
Polyps are not uterine fibroids.
Polyps and uterine fibroids are two diseases. Generally, when the volume of polyps or fibroids is relatively small, special treatment is not required, but regular gynecological examinations should be performed. When obvious symptoms or larger symptoms appear, promptly The surgical resection treatment can effectively avoid the occurrence of malignant diseases. Uterine fibroids are caused by high levels of estrogen, so try to eat less hormone-containing foods and drugs.
Recommendation: If the fibroids are not large, don’t worry about them for the time being, just do regular check-ups. First, get pregnant and have a baby. If you are over 5.0cm, consider surgery. If the fibroids are relatively large and have exceeded 5.0cm, they can be operated on first before having a child.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection