Problem description: The child was born with microtia in the right ear. It is now ten days old. The hearing test passed on the third day of birth, and the doctor said that the inner ear failed the test on the eighth day. I would like to ask if it is serious? Is there any other deformity that needs treatment?
Question date: 2020-12-15
Patient information: Age: 10 days Gender: Female
Question analysis: Micro-ear deformity, hearing test failed, auricular deformity generally advocate auricular plasty in adulthood
Guidelines:Mono-ear deformity, hearing test failed, it is recommended to do temporal bone thinning Layer CT scan to understand the mastoid gasification, middle ear cavity and ossicular conditions provide a basis for the surgical treatment of deformity grading.
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination