Problem description: I have been urinating a lot recently, and I felt like urinating right after urinating. Last week, I felt a little bloated. I went to the pharmacy and told me that it was a urinary system infection. Then I took levofloxacin capsules for two or three days I feel better. I have started in the past few days but there is no feeling of bloating. I feel a little urinary and a little anxious. May I ask the doctor what is going on?
Question date:2020-12-17
Patient information:Age: 23 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, the main consideration is caused by urinary tract infection.
Guidelines: The main thing is to drink plenty of hot water and avoid greasy, spicy and irritating food. In this case, we still need to check the urine routinely.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection