Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): When checking the eyes, I measured the intraocular pressure a few days before, then 21-22 was a bit high, and then 22- the next day 22. On the third day 21-24, today I went to test 21-22 and the middle two times were 18-19. Then I was worried about glaucoma and I checked one field of view, there was nothing wrong with the field of view, but what is called OCT, the right eye said the fundus I still have a weak nerve or something, and then said that I am not sure what the problem is for me to review after three months. I want to know if my glaucoma is a sign? The doctor said that my anterior chamber is deep and it is not easy to get closed angle glaucoma, which means that my right eye problem may get open angle glaucoma in the future, right? Ask the doctor to help me see this OCT test sheet, I have a photo.
Question date:2020-12-28
Patient information:Age: 28 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: You are mainly due to high intraocular pressure. Do a glaucoma investigation. The anterior chamber is deep, and then OCT is normal.
Guidelines: Just a little bit is a little thin, so it’s not a big problem. After a few rechecks of intraocular pressure
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination