More than the news, the netizen God responded, and together ~

FF was exposed to push the partner structure, Jia Yueting will set up a personal debt repayment trust; Ma Huateng said the car WeChat, officially boarded the car today… There are technical news and netizens’ replies that should not be missed.

Are you paying back? FF is exposed to push the partner structure, Jia Yueting will set up a personal debt repayment bond debt

On August 26, informed sources close to FF revealed that FF founder and CEO Jia Yueting is transforming FF’s existing company’s top-level governance structure, will launch a partner system, and hand over the company’s top-level governance to the “Partners Committee.” . At the same time, Jia Yueting also plans to set up the remaining FF part of the equity to establish a personal debt repayment trust fund as a domestic debt repayment fund.

Technology God Reply | B station member entry threshold 降低 or reduce 50%, then ... or B station?

@基督三: Don’t worry about paying back, he will return to China next week.

@周正1979: Borrowing money and stocks?

@Normalmap: Then lie.

B-member membership entry threshold may be reduced by 50% within one year, and the answer may not be a must-have< /h3>

B will reduce membership entry threshold by 50% in the next year. In the past, ordinary users need to complete 100 exam questions in 60 minutes to become a B-station member. In the future, answering questions may not be a must. Chen Rui, chairman of the B station, set a goal for the B station this year. In three years, the market value of the B station will also rise to 10 billion US dollars. The sign of achieving this volume is that within three years, the revenue of station B will increase to 10 billion yuan.

Technology God Reply | B-member membership entry threshold or reduce 50%, then... or B station?