Problem description: The child is more than 4 years old. He has astigmatism and hyperopia and myopia. I don’t understand what the doctor wrote. I only know that the glasses are 150 degrees astigmatism and 50 degrees hyperopia. Is this serious? Can it be removed later? The pupils have been dilated for 17 days. Can I read and write? Can you watch mobile TV? (Because some lessons need to complete the homework above)
Question date:2020-12-30
Patient information:Age: 4 years old Gender: Female< br />Problem analysis: Hello! According to your description, your baby’s optometry results are 125 degrees of myopia in both eyes, 175 degrees of hyperopic astigmatism, and the axial position is different.
Guiding suggestions: In this case, you may wear glasses all the time. If you don’t pay attention to protecting your eyes, your myopia may increase. Now mydriasis drugs should be useless, your pupils are back to normal and you can live a normal life.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection