Problem description: My girlfriend had menstruation on the 24th of last month, and she left on the 30th. It hasn’t come this month yet. I didn’t have a normal sex life with her, but she helped me fly twice, and then on the fifth and sixth days after her menstruation passed, I gave her a touch, as if it hadn’t been there yet. Did not insert it.
Question date:2020-12-30
Patient information:Age: 20 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: Hello, according to the symptoms, the possibility of the woman getting pregnant is very small, indicating that there is a delayed menstruation.
Guidance suggestion: There are still no increased vaginal discharge, peculiar smell, bloodshot, lower abdomen swelling and pain, etc., so that we can judge the condition clearly.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection