Problem description: Hello, Director Guo, we are at the Heping Hospital that went to the 7th of last month. You received a patient number and were hospitalized first. The 17th bed on the 6th floor of the second department, Zhao Cuiping, I am The eldest son, I would like to ask your old lady who has repeatedly supplemented platelets after chemotherapy, but she can’t improve it. What is the reason for this and what treatment do we need later?
Question date:2021 -01-01
Patient information:Age: 75 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Could you please provide us with your platelet value? Under normal circumstances, it is 100~300×10 to the 9th power.
Guidelines: After chemotherapy, if the number of platelets is lower than 50×10 to the 9th power, it is often necessary to use drugs to increase it.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection