Problem description: Hello, doctor. I have been married for more than a year and have no children. A few days ago, I went to the Bazhou hospital and the results showed that the sperm was not motivating. The left testicular varicose veins
Date of the problem: 2021-01-02
Patient information:Age: 31 years old Gender: Male
Problem analysis:Hello, you check sperm Poor quality. In this case, if there is no normal sperm, it is definitely impossible to conceive.
Guidance suggestion: It is recommended that you take traditional Chinese medicine for a while, and review your semen. If you have normal and vigorous sperm after taking the medicine, you can still give birth to your own child. Always pay attention to a healthy life, quit smoking and drinking, exercise more, and eat lightly.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection