Problem description: I haven’t had menstruation for fifty days. It is not pregnancy to have a B-ultrasound and urine test. Why on earth did you not come? How to deal with it?
Question date:2021-01-06
Patient information:Age: 20 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Delayed menstruation is sometimes related to women’s mental and psychological factors, such as stressful mood, high work pressure, and bad mood. Sometimes this kind of performance occurs. Of course, some diseases such as hyperprolactinemia and polycystic ovary cannot be ruled out.
Guide and suggestion: It is best to do 6 items of personality hormones, combined with B-ultrasound, because you have already done B-ultrasound. If the endometrium is thick, progesterone drugs should be given to promote menstrual cramps.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection