Problem description: Hello doctor, my baby is 1 year old. He jetted and vomited a few days ago. He stopped vomiting and had a fever and diarrhea the next day. Today is the fourth day and two days before diarrhea. I have been putting on plaster enema in the clinic these days, oral montmorillonite powder, Mommy loves noon tea, today’s stool is a bit sticky and yellow-green
Problem date:2021-01-07
Patient information:Age: 1 year old Gender: Male
Problem analysis:Hello, the baby’s stool is not formed, and the volume is relatively large, so the diarrhea should not be complete restore. In this case, it is recommended to suspend the enema.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended that you continue to give your baby montmorillonite powder and bifidobacteria triple live bacteria, which are probiotics to regulate the intestines and stomach. Now stop other food supplements. Take noodles and porridge as the Lord.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection